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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Tragedy Of Sophocles Antigone Essay - 1808 Words

Antigone is the main character of the homonymous tragedy of Sophocles. The play follows the formal conventions of Greek tragedy and it is composed of seven scenes (opening scene, prologos), five scenes and a final scene (exodus), which are divided noticeably by six choral songs (opening lyric, parodos) and five choral songs (stasima) which have some relevance to the dramatic situation. As Aristotle distinguishes in his work of literary criticism, Poetics, part of the excitement of a tragic performance comes from the skillful structuring of the plot (muthos). In Antigone, the way in which the play is built through a series of climaxes and confrontations that culminate in the revelation of Creon’s mistake and the disclosure of the multiple deaths is characteristic. The tragedies often are named after female figures, which may seem a paradox with the absolute lack of power of women in a patriarchal society. One of the theories that have been advanced is that even at that time there was the idea that a female figure can be reason of change and transformation. Hegel, regarding to this, defined woman as the weak ring of the chain, which from an ideological point of view can be considered either positive or negative: the woman is fragile, weak, unreliable. At the beginning of the nineteenth century Hegel also saw foreshadowed the conflict between Antigone and Creon, the conflict between the needs of the family and those of the state. In fact, in the gracious gesture of Antigone,Show MoreRelatedThe Tragedy Of Antigone By Sophocles1182 Words   |  5 PagesThe play Antigone, composed by Sophocles, informs us that fate cannot be controlled by anyone. Fate is an essential part of many tragedies. As for the characters in Antigone, their fates end up being unavoidable, whether it is due to the reason that they refused to accept it until it was very late, or they accepted the fate and permitted it to come to pass. The character’s lives possess set conclusions, and there exits some clues on what these conclusions shall be, and when they shall happen. TheRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Sophocles Antigone928 Words   |  4 PagesAntigone Antigone was written in 441 BC by the Greek playwright Sophocles. The play is set in the ancient city of Thebes. Women were not recognized of importance in ancient Athens, so in turn they were not allowed to attend the plays and any character that was a woman was to be played as a man, wearing a mask. Sophocles wrote many other great Greek tragedies including Odeipus the King. In the prequel to Antigone, Odeipus the King, Odeipus is born as a curse. His parents went to the oracle and receivedRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Sophocles Antigone1355 Words   |  6 Pagesscenarios. For example in Sophocles’ play Antigone there are a few characters that one might say suffered. The two characters that are believed to suffer the most in this play are Antigone and Creon, however Creon does suffer more than Antigone. Sophocles’ play is to be said to be one of the best tragedy plays ever to be written and performed. The reasoning behind this is because of the true suffering that Creon does throughout the play. The whole play brings in the theme of tragedy from the beginningRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Sophocles Antigone1705 Words   |  7 Pagesthe subject of honorable morality, Antigone possesses the moral high ground in accordance to the Greek expectations of the historical era when compared to the opposition of Creon. Owing to Sophocles’ tragedy known as Antigone, it offers the question of what type of law should be relevant when both divine law and common law clash in their interests. As such, it delves into a complex setting of a post-civil war Thebes, whereby throughout the entirety of the tragedy the audience learns of the fates ofRead MoreThe Tragedy of Sophocles Antigone956 Words   |  4 Pages The Tragedy of Antigone nbsp;In the story of Antigone, Oedipus has already died, his two sons. Polyneices and Eteocles, left to contend for the throne of Thebes. In their contention for the throne, the two brothers slay one another, leaving Creon once again to be the acting regent of Thebes. With this power, Creon declares that Polyneices must be left to rot on the battlefield, the highest disgrace to any Greek. Antigone, daughter of Oedipus, is left torn between state of family, and in theRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Sophocles Antigone976 Words   |  4 PagesThe story in Antigone shows two things that Sophocles could be pointing which is important whether may be the family or authority. Readers could not tell whether Sophocles would be choosing which but most conclude that Sophocles could be siding with family as it talks much more about it than authority. In the mind of a reader, family is mostly likely the winner as Antigone cares her brother Polyneices, Antigone denies the rule of Creon, Creon values his son and his wife, and Sophocles might be makingRead MoreThe Tragic Tragedy Of Antigone By Sophocles1440 Words   |  6 Pages Antigone The tragic play ‘Antigone’ by Sophocles is a tale that will forever project different interpretations and meanings, one no more accurate than the other. The play’s protagonist, Antigone, is typically always seen in an innocent aspect, and Creon is always seen as a villain due to the ongoing quarrel between the two. But, who is to say that either one is heroic or villainous? Sure, there are many admirable qualities that Antigone possesses, but she also shows that she is unwilling to changeRead More Sophocles Greek Tragedy, Antigone Essay465 Words   |  2 PagesIt has been said that love conquers all. Love is a major issue in Sophocles Greek Tragedy, Antigone. Antigone’s family is full of incest and betrayal. People say that Antigone, and her sister Ismene have been cursed because of their family’s bad decisions and horrible luck. Love in Antigone’s case did conquer all, but do the tragedy of deaths. Antigone’s love for her deceased bro ther eventually caused her own death. Antigone’s death went on to cause Haimon’s death, which ultimately caused the deathRead MoreTragedy in Antigone by Sophocles and Blackfish771 Words   |  4 PagesKarl Marx, the German philosopher, once said â€Å"History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.† For me, this quote clearly describes the overarching relationship between Blackfish and Antigone. This analogy starts with Antigone, written about an oppressed woman against the fists of tyranny. That early in history woman’s rights was often taboo at places, and democracy was only recently established. Yet, Antigone went against the norm by focusing on a heroine that challenged male authorityRead MoreEssay about Sophocles Antigone: A Great Tragedy1073 Words   |  5 Pagescan create a major difference, but one decision can create major conflict. One decision affects all other decisions. The effects of one decision are present in Antigone by the greek author, Sophocles. The setting of Antigone is the ancient city of Thebes after a battle between Polyneices and Eteocles. During the battle, a great tragedy occurs when Eteocles and Polyneices kill each other. The battle is a result of one decision by Polyneices to conquer Thebes, and his attempt is a utter failure

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