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Cultures Theoretical Models Free Essays

Societies: Theoretical Models Walden University Cross-Cultural brain science looks at human exercises in different social settings, by conne...

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Cultures Theoretical Models Free Essays

Societies: Theoretical Models Walden University Cross-Cultural brain science looks at human exercises in different social settings, by connecting with a few methodologies. A portion of these methodologies were plainly obvious from the course video managing the Thailand ladies social wear of metal neck shackles. Transformative Perspective The way of life of wearing metal neck shackles by the Thailand ladies is portrayed by the relative developmental components influencing human conduct. We will compose a custom exposition test on Societies: Theoretical Models or then again any comparative theme just for you Request Now Charles Darwin’s hypothesis of development by regular determination hypothesizes that living being advance with the quest for the organic attributes that will advance life span and endurance. Such traitsâ€aggressiveness, activity, interest, dutifulness, knowledge, and so forth , are so chosen to duplicate posterity that will pervade and propel same serious, worthwhile qualities to ceaseless ages. These ideal or favored geneticâ€biological legacy, inspired or deciphered as magnificence, conceptive conduct, relative body size, substantial hormones, and so forth structure the bases for the social influence, (Shiraev Levy, 2010). The genders use these blessings as a proportion of determination or segregation possibly in support of other genders. Materially, on account of the Thailand ladies, the transformative point of view will proceed to keep up and maintain this culture of prolonging the neck by wearing the metal neck shackles, in light of the fact that the way of life advances the determination of mates with long neck as an ideal quality and shows selflessness in a lady; the ladies, then again, show the component of a long neck as a fascination for the correct mate. By right mate, the lady, who, naturally, yearns for strength and security, targets material help in an accomplice. Sociological Approach Sociological Approach is a â€Å"general perspective on human conduct that centers around expansive social structures that impact society in general, and consequently its individuals;† (Shiraev Levy, 2010). Society as an element makes social structures that are intentionally intended to guarantee its solidness and similarity among its residents. By making these normal practices, the general public at that point forces acknowledgment and subjection on the individuals. As a matter of course, the residents of the general public are supported and naturalized by the endorsed morals and qualities. Therefore, these social standards and qualities are maintained in high regard as a controller of its resident beliefs, moral practices, morals and desires. Resultantly, the residents pass on these social qualities or customs from age to age, (Shiraev Levy, 2010). Upon the above premises, the conventional Thailand customâ€women wear of neck shackles to prolong the neck, strengthens the cultural desires by emotionally advancing the go about as a required and attractive type of magnificence; the transference of the standard to family. Ecocultural Approach Utilizing the ecocultural approach, clarify how the woman’s collaboration with the earth underpins the moves she makes. The above methodology harmonizes with the rule that elements are the result of their condition. Basically, people connect with the space ecological components; can change it and to be changed by it. These natural variables identify with biological contextâ€the monetary movement of the populace regarding gravity of food, nature of nourishment, homeostasis, just as, the thickness of the populace. All these apply an extensive effect on person. Another factor is the sociopolitical contextâ€relates to the level of the people’s contribution in both worldwide and nearby choices. Comprehensive in this setting are the nearness or nonappearance of political opportunities, ideological qualities and association of government, (Shiraev Levy, 2010). In this way, financially threatening condition makes diverse contrasts, henceforth, the less favored will be concerned or overcome with battling for every day scour; subsequently, hold their very own culture condition. Too, in politically flimsy conditions, long haul customs are influenced antagonistically. On account of the activity of the lady in the video, escaping her nation of starting point to Thailand, to protect her custom of wearing metal neck shackles expected to extend the neck, was incited by political insecurity and antagonistic condition, when in 1962, the Military Government chose to modernize the general public and dispose of all crude and innate traditions. Each of the three methodologies of analyzing human exercises in human social settingsâ€evolutionary, sociological and ecocultural approaches share similitudes, among which are: They human living beings in a given setting keep up a characterizing society or custom that oversees their lifestyles. These traditions maintain their worth framework and identify their good and moral practices. Also, every one of the three methodologies show that these conventions, customs or culture are stalwart; and they are given from age to age. In any case, certain distinctions exist among them. Right off the bat, while transformative methodology watches culture or custom improvement from a characteristic selectiveâ€biological, standard and its result or establishment stays strong, the sociological methodology manages the advancement of culture through the grant of huge social gatherings or foundations. The traditions from the previous arrangement are inclined to experience changes or reorganizations that produce cultural confusion, financial disappointment and double social request. Obviously, every general public is managed by one type of culture or the other. Such culture can be meant with modernization, conventional or both. The more clear comprehension of the custom of wearing metal neck shacklesâ€for neck prolongation, as appeared on the video, was given transformative methodology. This is a direct result of hypothesis of characteristic determination; where an ideal quality is protected and exhibited. With the end goal that, on account of the Thailand ladies, the custom is the methods for being chosen by and pulled in to the wealthy men for monetary security. Reference: Shiraev, E. , Levy, D. (2010). Multifaceted brain research: Critical reasoning and contemporary applications (fourth ed. ). Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Pearson Education, Inc. Step by step instructions to refer to Cultures: Theoretical Models, Papers

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Race and Your Community Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Race and Your Community - Research Paper Example Nonetheless, globalization has come to change how individuals see those from different races. There is more thankfulness these days that individuals regardless of race are simply yet people and can live in harmony as siblings as sisters. For a general public to develop racial resistance is basic. This paper investigates different impacts of race in my locale in Phoenix, Arizona. Conversation Working in a copper mining organization in Phoenix has helped me to build up the manner in which I see individuals from various racial foundations. It is anyway difficult to intermix uninhibitedly with individuals from different races. There are as yet minor strains that exist which get dissolved as individuals cooperate more and offer encounters. I function as an assistant whereby I go to all individuals regardless of their situation in the organization. I have come to ignore the prevalent view that individuals display contrasts dependent on their racial affiliations. It is anyway evident that i ndividuals from various races typically carry on and see things in an unexpected way. My investigation on this issue is this happens put together not with respect to their race however their experience or condition. The fundamental issue is that all individuals be they Caucasians, Hispanics, Asians or African Americans, show similitudes in their qualities and convictions. From my family foundation we were constantly trained that all individuals are equivalent according to the Creator and as such we should see them in a similar light. Prejudice thusly shapes a less significant issue of discussion in my locale however ought not be disregarded by and large as dissipated rates despite everything occur (Hartmann and Cornell, 2007). I can recall strikingly when I was little where both in school and at home kids used to play together independent of their race. It is after we grew up that we began taking racial contrasts all the more deliberately. What we were being instructed as youngsters was essentially to regard others particularly the older folks. Regard for one another was additionally vigorously underlined by our folks where battling or offending another kid was intensely rebuffed. Thinking back in my youth neighborhood I can review that more established individuals from a similar race would in general mingle more in spite of there being no other significant contrasts among individuals. I think this was because of the way that the racial contrasts were very extreme when they were growing up and isolation turned out to be a piece of their life and schedule. The media in Phoenix has been unprejudiced along racial lines. What shapes the premise of news is what merits being circulated as news and not an individual’s race. For this media what is significant is the manner in which they will convey their accounts to enrapture their audience members and watchers. Due to uplifted rivalry between media houses what is important to them is what number of audience me mbers and watchers they have figured out how to catch (Hartmann and Cornell, 2007). In that capacity, they attempt their best to stay unprejudiced regardless of the character at the focal point of news or debate. This is somewhat because of the acknowledgment that without individuals from all races framing their customer base, accomplishment in the media business is inconceivable. The media in Phoenix consequently offers African Americans, Hispanics and Caucasians a level playing field with regards to content in their news and programing. In Phoenix administration is very much mutual by individuals from various races. It in this way presents the rich decent variety of races that possess this state. Appreciate that occupants of Phoenix hail not just from

Friday, August 21, 2020

The influence and importance of job satisfaction on staff turnover

How cultures impact universal business How cultures impact universal business Because of the globalization, the undeniably close cooperation between firms which are from various societies has been blasting. In this manner, culture, which is show in conduct standards, concealed suspicions, and human instinct, each happening at an alternate degree of profundity, has significant effects on global business. (Kilmann, Sfixton, Serpa 1986) Under this situation, so as to arrange and manage remote accomplices all the more proficiently, and to enter new markets effectively also, we ought to investigate the outlandish societies and in what habits those mysterious societies will influence the manner in which we exchange As a rule, culture is comprised of language, religion, social foundations, political frameworks and reasoning, financial frameworks, training, and images. (Johnson, Turner 2010: 307) So, when discussing the impacts of culture on global business, these angles ought to be considered, particularly the effects from language, history, religion, and social establishment, which can mirror the propensities, perspectives, convictions of the general public. With the examination of these three angles, the incredible effects of culture on universal exchange will be clear. Regardless, language is one of the most huge components that have impacts on global business, since language is the pivotal mechanism for colleagues to speak with one another and comprehend their thoughts. During the continuous worldwide exchange and business, the trading of language is important, which has extraordinary impact on universal exchanges. There are some untouchable words and expressions in each language, which are probably going to cause issues. For example, some particular numbers are dealt with distinctively in various regions. The number 3 appreciates both applause and misuse the same. In Monaco, individuals like this number especially in light of the fact that they trust it will bring them flourishing. The Hong Kong individuals like this number, as well, on the grounds that in Cantonese, 3 is homophonic with advancement. Be that as it may, the Europeans by and large think of it as unfavorable. 4 is ordinarily loathed by individuals in Japan, Hong Kong and China, sinc e it implies demise. Along these lines, code-exchanging is imperative in global business, particularly as far as the association with accomplices and clients and notice. Lets take Microsoft Word for instance. From the outset, Word is basically a product bundle as opposed to a notice. Be that as it may, the dialects accessible in the program are a piece of Microsoft advertising talk, and furthermore offer expressions about how the brand needs to be seen. As a component of its confinement system, Word offers an extraordinary assortment of Englishes, from Australia to Zimbabwean. One such assortment offered is an Irish-English language choice and word reference. Microsoft portion give a far reaching language alternative in Irish, yet a word reference of Irish-English, arranged with a certifiable comprehension of the ordinary stirred up sociolinguistic setting of that assortment, ought to incorporate these and different models. (Kelly-Holmes 2008: 185) Here Microsoft is a run of the mil l great model of code-blending, which give comfort to clients, however grow it purchaser base just as accomplish global notoriety. At that point, as a critical job in worldwide exchange, strict factor cannot be disregarded, particularly for those states managed by strict position, since religion sets out a lot of basic standards and qualities which oversee the conduct and life of its followers. (Johnson, Turner 2010: 308) Religious convictions can impact exchanging conduct for the most part two different ways. To start with, having a similar strict conviction regularly infers having comparative qualities. A typical religion may consequently upgrade trust between exchanging accomplices and lessen exchange costs, expanding the exchange volume between brokers of a similar religion ought to be higher than exchange between various religions. Second, every religion has its own moral outlook towards the movement of exchanging. (Helble 2007) The effects of religion on can be demonstrated in people material life and their mentalities toward buying and utilizing product and administrations. Some of the time strict convent ions even disallow the utilization of specific merchandise and ventures inside and out, similar to Islam denies the eating of pork and Hindus don't expend meat. Hence, when Macdonald entered Muslim nations, it has changed its menu to become accustomed to their particular strict practices. The cheeseburgers (and all nourishment things besides) must be Halal, and truth be told, they don't call the burgers cheeseburgers thusly, rather they call them hamburger burgers in order to clarify that there is no ham in them. (The Travel Almanac n.d) So restrictions and inclinations must be investigated before entering a strict society and exchange with accomplices who are strict adherents. Thirdly, history is a reflection of a general public, which can demonstrate the foundation and improvement about financial and political type of a nation. While in creating financial aspects outside brands have status esteem, when nations create, individuals will in general spotlight more on their authentic national inclinations. For example, in the mid 1990s anything Western sold in Russia, however since 1996 worldwide organizations such Coca-Cola and Nestlã © have been confining their messages in Russia. As Russians have gotten progressively nationalistic, makers have attempted to make their items increasingly pertinent. (Mooij nd: 17) So chronicled qualities ought to be considered during global business to ensure that your items and methods for arranging are appropriate to the nations of goal as far as their propensities, tastes, and qualities. Japanese agents may lean toward continue saying indeed, yes. Be that as it may, their yes doesnt mean their acknowledgment to the term is offered, yet rather their comprehension of what is said. They continue saying yes just for ceremonies purpose. Still worth referencing there is that the Japanese have more trust in close to home affinity than in business contracts. This presents a sharp difference to the Americans. So while working with the Japanese, you should go to considerable lengths to set up obvious individual compatibility and companionships. Dont check a lot on contracts; they are bits of waste paper according to the Japanese once the two sides are in conflict. (Huang 2010: 2) From this model, it shows that working with remote nations has changed the customary reasoning examples, and some fruitful organizations have been adjusted to specific adapting styles as indicated by various societies. History is the best fortune, which clarifies the financial advancement of social orders that have had a critical influence in worldwide exchange, can assist agents with learning the data of the propensities and ways of life of the two accomplices and clients from goal nations. At last, social organizations are characterized as a complex of positions, jobs, standards, and qualities held up specifically kinds of social structures and sorting out moderately stable examples of HR as for central issues in continuing practical cultural structures inside a given situation by Turner (1997). It is likewise viewed as that the very idea of social organizations that produce esteems or principles of good and terrible can likewise empower supports of authorized practices.( Parboteeah, Hoegl, Cullen 2003) Lets accept China for instance. China is a nation with amazing social foundations, which influence Chinese business exercises a great deal. Then again, another significant foundation in China is the family and the common reliance of its individuals. Thusly, Chinese people groups practices and habits have impacted profoundly by these perspectives. In Chinese social orders, such connections are administered by what is named guanxi, which is a bond between individuals, bas ed on which companions are relied upon to take care of every others prosperity. (Bargiela-Chiappini and Harris 1997: 42) The complexities of relational relations irritated an enormous number of western businesspeople, since most Chinese representatives want to exchange with companions or companions and family members, who are believed to be increasingly trustful because of the exceptional guanxi between them. Along these lines, as Lafayette De Mente states, a fruitful business connection between Chinese organizations starts with the foundation of an individual bond between the important administrators of the organizations and depends especially on the cautious upkeep of these individual ties. (Bargiela-Chiappini and Harris 1997: 42) So, investigating the social foundation of the goal nations is extremely helpful for specialists to exchange various social orders productively. After the conversation of key determinants of culture, a well known investigation of social measurements, which can give an all the more away from of the effects of culture on universal business, will be featured. Measurements of social contrasts are extremely fundamental for associations particularly the individuals who work universally to comprehend and adapt to such contrasts that can show themselves as far as various guidelines, qualities and desires in the different nations in which they work. (Johnson, Scholes, Whittington 2008: 190) Here I need to make reference to one of the best investigations of social measurements, Hofstedes social measurements, which are comprised of intensity separation, vulnerability evasion, independence and community, manliness womanliness, and short/long haul direction. In any case, power separation talks about reliance connections inside nations and social orders. The littler the force separation is, the more reliance of subordinates on administrators will be. Bargiela-Chiappini and Harris (1997) found that from Hofstedes look into it is shows that in Chinese social orders, for example, Hong Kong and Singapore, individuals will in general exhibit more prominent concession towards people with great influence than they do in Western social orders. Malaysia is a case of a powerful separation culture and a greater part of the sites mirrored this social a

Friday, June 5, 2020

Schizophrenia The Split Mind - Free Essay Example

Schizophrenia comes from the Greek term meaning split mind, which is just what it is. It is a personality disorder among other things. Along with having multiple personalities and/or personas, a schizophrenic person suffers from hallucinations, and what is called a forced internal perspective. Treatment for Schizophrenia can be as simple as first base counseling, conventional group support and therapy. Not such as an intervention, but assistance in regular life. Rehabilitation centers, or rehab, are different than mental wards and the famous asylums, in that they are open environments where patients are on a campus that arent isolated in cells. Cognitive therapy is basically thinking behavior where a doctor engages the patient with mental thought processing experiments, like puzzles. Behavioral testing is testing to see how the patient might react to different social cues, such as confrontations, dates, parties, and the like. Psych education is what helps determine how schizophrenia affects the persons mental capacity and ability to learn. As for medicines, they are conventional antipsychotic and anti-terror pills. (1998-2018 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) However the symptoms dont seem as comfortable as the therapy. Like I previously mentioned a patient, depending on how sever it is, has hallucinations, or episodes in which they can go from any mood into a freak out. If its not too severe episodes occur once in a long time, like a month or even a year, these are more easily cured. Continuous episodes have little to no chance of recovery. Schizophrenia has many causes. From stress during birth and growing up, physical trauma can cause ticks, and even psycho drugs, like acid or shrooms. A patient often experiences voices, which are echoed voices, and memories and thoughts that are turned audible. Impaired motor control, speech, and vision come when a patients mid is too exhausted. When we think our brains our using muscles, when they get tired we have headaches. When a schizophrenic brain uses them too much they go into a haze. (1998-2018 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) In 2002, the schizophrenia fiscal burden to the U.S. was $62.7 m. Thats 20x the amount to pay for diarrhea. Schizophrenia is a disease that typically begins in early adulthood; between the ages of 15 and 25. Men tend to develop schizophrenia slightly earlier than women; whereas most males become ill between 16 and 25 years old. Most females develop symptoms several years later. Schizophrenia onset is quite rare for people under 10 years of age, or over 40 years of age. (1996-2010 Schizophrenia.com the Internet Mental Health Initiative) Like I said before, Patients have a self-forced perspective about them. Patients think they are disliked; so they are entirely convicted in whatever comes into their head that is either a concept or belief pertaining to them. It is actually very much like Tourettes syndrome. Some with TS can see a cloud and a pretty girl and say something about her being fluffy; the thought was impulsively turned into words. Schizophrenia causes depression when a patient is in self-induced social exclusion, in other words they do not interact within society because of what they think is going on. This means they can refuse treatment, advice, and even the council of loved ones and friends. The stigmas of people towards patients with schizophrenia have the same input. Its common to think that people with the illness are incapable of being delightful or sociable because regularly they are not. The people that we notice have schizophrenia are the more sever ones, so when someone has a lesser case, we thi nk they have the same incapability. But the ones with the lesser cases are just as normal as you and I, they have periodic episodes, are less inept to having relationships. They can much easily have goals and aspirations as well as attend education because they have a more able mental capacity than the less fortunate with more severe afflictions. So in conclusion, schizophrenia is a major mental affliction yes. But when we look at diseases and sickness, we tend to see HIV/AIDS at the top of lists. Schizophrenia is often categorized into depression, anxiety, autism, and Alzheimers. Because of its spectrum of intensity, it is often overlooked when someone has tics, mental trauma, and is only present and we become aware of it when a person has grown to be mature (teen years when we are able to develop a conscious and make decisions, this usually occurs when our frontal lobe develops).

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Sutherlands Differential Association Theory Explained

Differential association theory proposes that people learn values, attitudes, techniques, and motives for criminal behavior through their interactions with others. It is a learning theory of deviance that was initially proposed by sociologist Edwin Sutherland in 1939 and revised in 1947. The theory has continued to be enormously important to the field of criminology ever since. Key Takeaways: Sutherland's Differential Association Theory Sociologist Edwin Sutherland first proposed differential association theory in 1939 as a learning theory of deviance.Differential association theory proposes that the values, attitudes, techniques, and motives for criminal behavior are learned through one’s interactions with others.Differential association theory remains important to the field of criminology, although critics have objected to its failure to take personality traits into account. Origins Before Sutherland introduced his theory of differential association, the explanations for criminal behavior were varied and inconsistent. Seeing this as a weakness, law professor Jerome Michael and philosopher Mortimer J. Adler published a critique of the field that argued that criminology hadn’t produced any scientifically-backed theories for criminal activity. Sutherland saw this as a call to arms and used rigorous scientific methods to develop differential association theory. Sutherland’s thinking was influenced by the Chicago School of sociologists. In particular, he took cues from three sources: the work of Shaw and McKay, which investigated the way delinquency in Chicago was distributed geographically; the work of Sellin, Wirth, and Sutherland himself, which found that crime in modern societies was the result of conflicts between different cultures; and Sutherlands own work on professional thieves, which found that in order to become a professional thief, one must become a member of a group of professional thieves and learn through them. Sutherland initially outlined his theory in 1939 in the third edition of his book Principles of Criminology. He then revised the theory for the fourth edition of the book in 1947. Since then, differential association theory has remained popular in the field of criminology and has sparked a great deal of research. One of the reasons for the theory’s continued pertinence is its broad ability to explain all kinds of criminal activity, from juvenile delinquency to white collar crime. Nine Propositions of Differential Association Theory Sutherland’s theory doesn’t account for why an individual becomes a criminal but how it happens. He summarized the principles of differential association theory with nine propositions: All criminal behavior is learned.Criminal behavior is learned through interactions with others via a process of communication.Most learning about criminal behavior happens in intimate personal groups and relationships.The process of learning criminal behavior may include learning about techniques to carry out the behavior as well as the motives and rationalizations that would justify criminal activity and the attitudes necessary to orient an individual towards such activity.The direction of motives and drives towards criminal behavior is learned through the interpretation of legal codes in one’s geographical area as favorable or unfavorable.When the number of favorable interpretations that support violating the law outweigh the unfavorable interpretations that don’t, an individual will choose to become a criminal.All differential associations aren’t equal. They can vary in frequency, intensity, priority, and duration.The process of learning criminal behaviors thr ough interactions with others relies on the same mechanisms that are used in learning about any other behavior.Criminal behavior could be an expression of generalized needs and values, but they don’t explain the behavior because non-criminal behavior expresses the same needs and values. Differential association takes a social psychological approach to explain how an individual becomes a criminal. The theory posits that an individual will engage in criminal behavior when the definitions that favor violating the law exceed those that don’t. Definitions in favor of violating the law could be specific. For example, â€Å"This store is insured. If I steal these items, it’s a victimless crime.† Definitions can also be more general, as in â€Å"This is public land, so I have the right to do whatever I want on it.† These definitions motivate and justify criminal activity. Meanwhile, definitions unfavorable to violating the law push back against these notions. Such definitions can include, â€Å"Stealing is immoral† or â€Å"Violating the law is always wrong.† The individual is also likely to put different weight on the definitions they are presented in their environment. These differences depend on the frequency with which a given definition is encountered, how early in life a definition was first presented, and how much one values the relationship with the individual presenting the definition. While the individual is most likely to be influenced by definitions provided by friends and family members, learning can also occur at school or through the media. For example, the media often romanticize criminals. If an individual favors stories of mafia kingpins, such as the TV show The Sopranos and The Godfather films, the exposure to this media may impact the individual’s learning because it includes some messages that favor breaking the law. If an individual focuses on those messages, they could contribute to an individual’s choice to engage in criminal behavior. In addition, even if an individual has the inclination to commit a crime, they must have the skills necessary to do so. These skills could be complex and more challenging to learn, like those involved in computer hacking, or more easily accessible, like stealing goods from stores. Critiques Differential association theory was a game-changer in the field of criminology. However, the theory has been criticized for failing to take individual differences into account. Personality traits may interact with one’s environment to create outcomes that differential association theory cannot explain. For example, people can change their environment to ensure it better suits their perspectives. They may also be surrounded by influences that don’t espouse the value of criminal activity and choose to rebel by becoming a criminal anyway. People are independent, individually motivated beings. As a result, they may not learn to become criminals in the ways differential association predicts. Sources Cressey, Donald R. â€Å"The Theory of Differential Association: An Introduction.† Social Problems, vol. 8, no. 1, 1960, pp. 2-6. https://doi.org/10.2307/798624â€Å"Differential Association Theory.† LibreTexts: Social Science, 23 May, 2019. https://socialsci.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Sociology/Book%3A_Sociology_(Boundless)/7%3A_Deviance%2C_Social_Control%2C_and_Crime/7.6%3A_The_Symbolic-Interactionalist_Perspective_on_Deviance/7.6A%3A_Differential_Association_Theoryâ€Å"Edwin Sutherland’s Differential Association Theory Explained.† Health Research Funding. https://healthresearchfunding.org/edwin-sutherlands-differential-association-theory-explained/Matsueda, Ross L. â€Å"Sutherland, Edwin H.: Differential Association Theory and Differential Social Organization.† Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory, edited by Francis T. Cullen and Pamela Wilcox. Sage Publications, 2010, pp. 899-907. http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781412959193.n250Matsueda, Ross L. â€Å"The Current State of Differential Association Theory.† Crime Delinquency, vol. 34, no, 3, 1988, pp. 277-306. https://doi.org/10.1177/0011128788034003005Ward, Jeffrey T. and Chelsea N. Brown. â€Å"Social Learning Theory and Crime.† International Encyclopedia of the Social Behavioral Sciences. 2nd ed., edited by James D. Wright. Elsevier, 2015, pp. 409-414. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.45066-X

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Tragedy Of Sophocles Antigone Essay - 1808 Words

Antigone is the main character of the homonymous tragedy of Sophocles. The play follows the formal conventions of Greek tragedy and it is composed of seven scenes (opening scene, prologos), five scenes and a final scene (exodus), which are divided noticeably by six choral songs (opening lyric, parodos) and five choral songs (stasima) which have some relevance to the dramatic situation. As Aristotle distinguishes in his work of literary criticism, Poetics, part of the excitement of a tragic performance comes from the skillful structuring of the plot (muthos). In Antigone, the way in which the play is built through a series of climaxes and confrontations that culminate in the revelation of Creon’s mistake and the disclosure of the multiple deaths is characteristic. The tragedies often are named after female figures, which may seem a paradox with the absolute lack of power of women in a patriarchal society. One of the theories that have been advanced is that even at that time there was the idea that a female figure can be reason of change and transformation. Hegel, regarding to this, defined woman as the weak ring of the chain, which from an ideological point of view can be considered either positive or negative: the woman is fragile, weak, unreliable. At the beginning of the nineteenth century Hegel also saw foreshadowed the conflict between Antigone and Creon, the conflict between the needs of the family and those of the state. In fact, in the gracious gesture of Antigone,Show MoreRelatedThe Tragedy Of Antigone By Sophocles1182 Words   |  5 PagesThe play Antigone, composed by Sophocles, informs us that fate cannot be controlled by anyone. Fate is an essential part of many tragedies. As for the characters in Antigone, their fates end up being unavoidable, whether it is due to the reason that they refused to accept it until it was very late, or they accepted the fate and permitted it to come to pass. The character’s lives possess set conclusions, and there exits some clues on what these conclusions shall be, and when they shall happen. TheRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Sophocles Antigone928 Words   |  4 PagesAntigone Antigone was written in 441 BC by the Greek playwright Sophocles. The play is set in the ancient city of Thebes. Women were not recognized of importance in ancient Athens, so in turn they were not allowed to attend the plays and any character that was a woman was to be played as a man, wearing a mask. Sophocles wrote many other great Greek tragedies including Odeipus the King. In the prequel to Antigone, Odeipus the King, Odeipus is born as a curse. His parents went to the oracle and receivedRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Sophocles Antigone1355 Words   |  6 Pagesscenarios. For example in Sophocles’ play Antigone there are a few characters that one might say suffered. The two characters that are believed to suffer the most in this play are Antigone and Creon, however Creon does suffer more than Antigone. Sophocles’ play is to be said to be one of the best tragedy plays ever to be written and performed. The reasoning behind this is because of the true suffering that Creon does throughout the play. The whole play brings in the theme of tragedy from the beginningRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Sophocles Antigone1705 Words   |  7 Pagesthe subject of honorable morality, Antigone possesses the moral high ground in accordance to the Greek expectations of the historical era when compared to the opposition of Creon. Owing to Sophocles’ tragedy known as Antigone, it offers the question of what type of law should be relevant when both divine law and common law clash in their interests. As such, it delves into a complex setting of a post-civil war Thebes, whereby throughout the entirety of the tragedy the audience learns of the fates ofRead MoreThe Tragedy of Sophocles Antigone956 Words   |  4 Pages The Tragedy of Antigone nbsp;In the story of Antigone, Oedipus has already died, his two sons. Polyneices and Eteocles, left to contend for the throne of Thebes. In their contention for the throne, the two brothers slay one another, leaving Creon once again to be the acting regent of Thebes. With this power, Creon declares that Polyneices must be left to rot on the battlefield, the highest disgrace to any Greek. Antigone, daughter of Oedipus, is left torn between state of family, and in theRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Sophocles Antigone976 Words   |  4 PagesThe story in Antigone shows two things that Sophocles could be pointing which is important whether may be the family or authority. Readers could not tell whether Sophocles would be choosing which but most conclude that Sophocles could be siding with family as it talks much more about it than authority. In the mind of a reader, family is mostly likely the winner as Antigone cares her brother Polyneices, Antigone denies the rule of Creon, Creon values his son and his wife, and Sophocles might be makingRead MoreThe Tragic Tragedy Of Antigone By Sophocles1440 Words   |  6 Pages Antigone The tragic play ‘Antigone’ by Sophocles is a tale that will forever project different interpretations and meanings, one no more accurate than the other. The play’s protagonist, Antigone, is typically always seen in an innocent aspect, and Creon is always seen as a villain due to the ongoing quarrel between the two. But, who is to say that either one is heroic or villainous? Sure, there are many admirable qualities that Antigone possesses, but she also shows that she is unwilling to changeRead More Sophocles Greek Tragedy, Antigone Essay465 Words   |  2 PagesIt has been said that love conquers all. Love is a major issue in Sophocles Greek Tragedy, Antigone. Antigone’s family is full of incest and betrayal. People say that Antigone, and her sister Ismene have been cursed because of their family’s bad decisions and horrible luck. Love in Antigone’s case did conquer all, but do the tragedy of deaths. Antigone’s love for her deceased bro ther eventually caused her own death. Antigone’s death went on to cause Haimon’s death, which ultimately caused the deathRead MoreTragedy in Antigone by Sophocles and Blackfish771 Words   |  4 PagesKarl Marx, the German philosopher, once said â€Å"History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.† For me, this quote clearly describes the overarching relationship between Blackfish and Antigone. This analogy starts with Antigone, written about an oppressed woman against the fists of tyranny. That early in history woman’s rights was often taboo at places, and democracy was only recently established. Yet, Antigone went against the norm by focusing on a heroine that challenged male authorityRead MoreEssay about Sophocles Antigone: A Great Tragedy1073 Words   |  5 Pagescan create a major difference, but one decision can create major conflict. One decision affects all other decisions. The effects of one decision are present in Antigone by the greek author, Sophocles. The setting of Antigone is the ancient city of Thebes after a battle between Polyneices and Eteocles. During the battle, a great tragedy occurs when Eteocles and Polyneices kill each other. The battle is a result of one decision by Polyneices to conquer Thebes, and his attempt is a utter failure

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

“Everyone has the right to work, to free cho Essay Example For Students

â€Å"Everyone has the right to work, to free cho Essay ice ofemployment, to just and favourable conditions of work. . .Everyonehas the right to a standard of living adequate for the health andwell-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing,housing and medical care and necessary social service.† These areexcerpts from the Declaration of Human Rights. Written over 50 yearsago, the Declaration was created to give, â€Å"inherent dignityand. . .equal and inalienable rights of all members of the humanfamily.† The Declaration gave hope to many people across the globewho were living in tyranny and oppression, hoping for equality andfair treatment. Unfortunately for some, this document turned out tobe merely one of false hope and lies. The people I speak of are ourfellow human beings working under slave-like conditions insweatshops. To them, the aforementioned promises are just a myth,something they can only dream about. As the aforementioned articlesstate, all human beings are guaranteed fair pay and working. Are notthose sweat shop workers human beings? Of course they are humanbeings! Sadly, they’re not treated like it. They’re forced to workand incredible number of hours, under hazardous conditions and atridiculously low wages. Don’t they deserve the rights the Declarationmentions? Of course they do! This is the exact reason that suchtreatment can’t continue. Something must be done. Although proponents of sweatshops say that consumer demandfor the lowest prices controls worker wages and conditions, they arejust fooling themselves. If they want to talk about it economically,cheap labor actually debilitates the economy by driving wages downand forcing the lack of money which can only lead to a recession. Inaddition, workers who are paid less, are in turn less motivated towork. In addition, as economist Hazel Henderson explains:Many international manufacturers are subsidized by sweatshop wages. Once they exploit cheap workers in one area, they find even cheaperworkers someplace else, so fragile societies get disrupted. Humanrights groups need to inspect these factories, so we wont have worldtrade built on child labor, sweatshop wages and burning down rainforests. This short-term exploitation is just not sustainable. (Henderson 1)So, taking this into account, one can see the flaws in theoppositions argument that demand for low prices controls workerwages. Not only is there a problem in the oppositions excuses, butthere are also problems with worker wages that need to be faced anddealt with. As everyone knows, we live in a capitalistic society in whicheveryone tries to get ahead and make the most profit they can. Manufacturers are no different, they too are capitalists trying tomaximize profit as best they can. But there still must a point wherea line must be drawn. At this point, the manufacturer must realizethat workers are human beings and that their well being is worth morethan any profit. In most cases, clothing manufacturers hirecontractors to make their clothes. These contractors can range fromexpensive to cheap. Most often, the expensive ones are thosecontractors who do the job themselves, legally. The other ones arethe contractors who charge low prices because they, in turn, contractout low wage sweatshops. Not only does this profit the manufacturer,but it also makes the contractor more appealing to othermanufacturers. So in most cases, sweatshops come about because ofcapitalistic greed. Because of this, sweatshop workers live inpoverty and can barely, if at all, make enough to provide forthemselves and their family. Although the situation is bad in theUnited States, it’s much worse in other parts around the world. In areport entitled â€Å"How Do You Survive On 31 cents-an-Hour Wages?†published by the National Labor Council, a study was conducted onwages and living expenses for workers in sweatshops in Nicaragua. They found a pay stub, â€Å"from the NICSEDA factory (which the workerstold us produces Polo Ralph Lauren) shows the hourly wages to be 2.08Cordobas or 0.21 cents.† Furthermore, the average pay for a workerwho put in a 56 hour week was $17.31. In addition, the report statedthat the base wage for these workers was 10 cents an hour, whichtranslated into $4.80 a week, $20.90 a month and $249.60 per year!This is outrageous. There is no way a person can live off thosewages. The report left off by informing that these Nicaraguanworkers were tired of their ridiculously low wages so in protest theywere going to try to start a union. Their demands were a raise to 88cents an hour. This translates to $2,196, 48 per year. As one cansee, these demands were not very high. Perhaps the only way they’llget it is by, as they started doing, forming a union. Unionizationis a very important factor in workers winning some rights. Twelfth Night - Analysis Of Fools Essay(â€Å"Industry Leader† 3).† You too can join the campaign and take astep toward ending sweatshops. Another thing individuals can do isto write to companies in protest. You can send a letter or email theaforementioned companies and voice your opinion about their means oflabor. In addition, college students are also pulling together toend sweatshops. The United Students Against Sweatshops is aninternational student movement that involves individual students fromcampuses all over America and Canada fighting for sweatshop freelabor conditions and workers rights. The USAS believe thatuniversity standards should be in line with its students. Thestudents demand that clothing having the school’s logo should be madein places where decent working conditions exist. In an articledescribing their cause, entitled â€Å"About us,† the USAS also goes on tosay, â€Å"Ultimately, we are using our power as students to affect thelarge r industry that thrives on sweatshops (1).† Furthermore, otherorganizations are also lending a hand to help the cause to endsweatshop conditions. One organization, UNITE, is helping workersform unions to get the fair labor conditions they deserve. Makingtheir own union, UNITE already has over 500 members who are fightingfor better wages, decent conditions and other rights. Other actionthat is being taken to combat the injustice, is at a governmentlevel. Last year Governor Gray Davis signed into law Assembly Bill633. The purpose of this bill was to crack down on sweatshop abusesin California. This bill imposed a â€Å"wage guarantee† which providedworkers minimum wage and overtime, it also, â€Å"Establishes successoremployer liability so that garment factories cannot shut down andreopen under a different name to avoid paying the wages of its formeremployees (â€Å"USA† 2).† Lastly, it allows garment workers employed bynon registered contractors to take the m to court over lost wages,damages and penalties. When one considers the injustice the sweatshop worker dealswith at the hands of corporate America, one cannot wonder how suchactions are allowed. Where is the Declaration of Human Rights? Thisdocument declares rights to all humans. But somehow sweatshopworkers are overlooked? They are human beings too. Something mustbe done to end this parade of abuse. Some action must be taken tomend the wounds of the worker. Works Cited1. â€Å"About Us.† United Students Against Sweatshops. 8, May 2000. . 2. Green, Olivia. â€Å"Inside A Sweatshop: An Eyewitness Account.† 24March 2000,3. Henderson, Hazel. â€Å"Interview With An Economist.† KnowledgeManagement Magazine. January 28, 2000. 25 March 2000. @www.kmmag.com. 4.â€Å"How Do You Survive On 31 Cents-an-Hour Wages?† National LaborCouncil. 24 March 20005. â€Å"Phillips-Van Heusen: An Industry ‘Leader’ Unveiled.† CleanClothes Campaign. 24 March 2000. 6. â€Å"USA: California Senate Passes Anti-Sweatshop Bill, AwaitsGovornor’s Signature† Corporate Watch September 9, 1999. March 24,2000. 7. â€Å"What is UNITE doing?.† U.N.I.T.E. 8 May, 2000.