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Societies: Theoretical Models Walden University Cross-Cultural brain science looks at human exercises in different social settings, by conne...

Sunday, December 29, 2019

I Am Legend Film Analysis Essay - 1227 Words

Jessica Wang English 106 10 April 2008 Robert Neville is the last normal living man in the world. The all of New York City is in ruins. How long can Robert Neville survive alone with his dog in a world of vampires and how long do you think you can live in this case? The film, I Am Legend is a post-apocalyptic science fiction film directed by Francis Lawrence and starring Will Smith. It was released on December 14th, 2007. This film is actually the third adaptation of Richard Matheson’s novel of the same name from 1954. Smith plays virologist Robert Neville, who lives in New York City in 2012, which is inhabited by animalistic victims of the virus. He is immune to a vicious man-made virus originally created to cure cancer and works to†¦show more content†¦It tells us that technology sometimes is dangerous and vital if we cannot gain power over it. Later in the movie, Dr. Neville takes Anna to the lab, Anna is amazed to see the zombies lying on the bed, and simply sighed† Oh my god†, Dr. Neville just said calmly â€Å"God didn’t do this; we did†. Again, Dr. Neville uncovered the truth that all the faults actually are made by ourselves though new technology does help us in some cases. However, human begins should be responsible for what they have done to the whole world in the near future, meanwhile, it also teaches us a lesson that never rush to create new technology at the cost of the whole world and all the living things in the world. There is an alternate ending which is totally different from the original one we have seen in the movie, which amazed me a lot. In the original one, it is a pity that Dr. Neville died in the end with the self-explored; according to many reviews, the majority of the audiences do not like this ending. The alternate ending is that Robert finally brushes up against a zombie next to him and comes in contact with him; he never gets that close to any of them in the movie and seeing that gives me a chill. In this ending, it leaves me the normal human feelings, which makes Dr. Neville more like a legend. However, the original one isShow MoreRelatedKing Arthur Analysis1337 Words   |  6 PagesArthurian Literature Prof. Beth Martin Birky Fim Analysis: King Arthur December 7, 2017 King Arthur: Historically Inaccurate but Intriguing The film King Arthur (2004), as it proclaims is the â€Å"untold true story that inspired the legend†. With Clive Owen and Keira Knightley as the main characters, the trailer looked very promising. Yet, the movie was a great disappointment to many of the Arthurian legends enthusiasts. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Elite Athletes Demonstrate Acceptable Standards Of...

Have you ever noticed that athletes wear new colours all the time? Well, recently many elite athletes have been sporting the colour orange, orange as in prison jumpsuits, because that’s where they are heading, off to jail for committing offences that are definitely not up to an ‘acceptable standard’ of professionalism. Good evening ladies, gentlemen, adjudicators and the opposition. The topic of tonight’s debate is ‘that elite athletes demonstrate acceptable standards of professionalism.’ We, as the negative team, strongly disagree with this. By now our first speaker would have convinced you that elite athletes definitely do not demonstrate acceptable standards of professionalism by revealing that elite athletes are taught to have a ‘win†¦show more content†¦These so-called elite athletes are so ‘professional’, then why do we even have the need for drug testing? If elite athletes demonstrated an acceptable standard of professionalism, then there would be no need for this drug testing business because the athletes would be able to be trusted. As our first speaker has stated, elite athletes have a winning mindset. This could be one of the reasons they choose to use as an excuse for taking drugs and cheating, to be the best all the time, because that it how they were brought up. A study shows that doping prevalence may be as high as 48%. Even before elite level they take low level drugs such as: pre-workout drugs, Anabolic steroids, Androstenedione, Human Growth Hormone (HGH), Erythropoietin, Diuretics, Creatine and Stimulants. These drugs are so harmful, yet so many are constantly using them. What kind of imprint is this making on our youth, the young, impressionable minds of today, that look up to these elite athletes as their role models? This brings me on to my next point, regarding why athletes need the good behavioural contracts to stipulate their behaviour. Why do elite athletes need good behavioural contracts to stipulate what they can and can’t do? If their professionalism was to an ‘acceptable’ standard, then they would already know what they can and can’t do. Many of the behavioural contracts have clauses that stipulate that the elite athletes mayShow MoreRelatedFactors Affecting Market Share of Retailers15007 Words   |  61 Pagesretailers have a direct and personal contact with their customers. The most important feature is that he small-scale retailers have a direct and personal contact with their customers. This form of retailing faces problems of small capital lack of professionalism and low purchasing power (http://www.google co.ke). 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Stress pshcyology Free Essays

A method of managing stress is hardiness training developed by kobasa in 1979 here this method works by assessing peoples levels of hardiness then offering them a series of increasing that hardiness here they: try to change the way the person appraises the threat level of the stressor and their ability to cope with it. (ii) Outline one limitation of this method. (3 marks) A limitation to this method is that it takes a lot of time and money and you have to show a high level of commitment to the process. We will write a custom essay sample on Stress pshcyology or any similar topic only for you Order Now (b) Describe the procedures and findings of one study of the workplace as a source of stress. (6 marks) Johansson (1978) took two groups of workers at a Swedish saw mill, one was a group of 14 finishers this job was repetitive and isolated but very highly skilled. The other group were the â€Å"low risk† of 10 cleaners whose work was more varied and largely self paced they were also allowed to socialize more with the other workers. To find out the stress levels Johansson recorded levels of stress hormones on work days and rest days, he found that the high risk group of finishers secreted more stress related hormones on work days than on rest days and higher levels than that of those in the control group of cleaners, the finishers also showed more signs of stress related symptoms e.g. Headaches and a higher case of absenteeism than that of the cleaners. (c) Discuss research into the relationship between stress and cardiovascular disorders. (18 marks) There have been many studies undertaking research into the correlation between cardiovascular disorders and stress. Friedman and Rosenman undertook a study into coronary heart disease (CHD) in 1959, their hypothesis was that patients who displayed type A behaviour; who fitted into the group that had a pattern of impatience, competitiveness and hostility where more likely to get CHD than those who fitted into the type B group; these displayed a pattern of being laid back and relaxed. Friedman and Rosenman took a sample of 3000 males from California, USA aged between 39 and 59, who were healthy at the start of the study, they established which personality group the sample fitted into through a series of questions put forward in an interview. Friedman and Rosenman found that after eight and a half years 257 men in the sample were diagnosed with CHD and that of this group 70% had been previously classed as a type â€Å"A† personality. They also found hat type â€Å"A†s had a higher level of cholesterol and that twice as many men in the type â€Å"A† group had died compared to the type â€Å"B† group. Friedman and Rosenman concluded that Type â€Å"A† personality is more likely to be associated with CHD. Because type â€Å"A† is also linked to other factors that cause CHD, such as smoking (which we now know can cause CHD), it is not certain if type â€Å"A† is a direct or indirect cause of CHD. Cirtisms of this study include that it is an extremely biased sample, with the sample being all males from California; this means it lacks population validity. It is also critised due to the fact that it is not know whether CHD is brought on souly from the type of personality you are as Friedman and Rosenman concluded there were a series of extraneous variables that could not be controlled in this study i.e. smoking. It is classed as over simplistic with the sample being classed as one or the other as there are only two choices. Positive critisms of this study include that it has a large sample at 3000 males and that it was a longditudinal study running for 8 1/2 years. Other studies that back up friedman and Rosenman into stress and the effect on the cardiovascular system are that of Williams who conducted a study on 13000 people, he got the sample to fill in a questionnaire which consisted of 10 questions and placed them on an anger scale. He found that six years later of the 13000 sampled he found 256 had experienced a heart attack and that those who scored most highly on the anger scale were nearly three times more likely to experience one. This study has good time validity as it was carried out in 2000. How to cite Stress pshcyology, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

By Choice or Chance free essay sample

By Choice or Chance? The Boat English 12 Alex McDonald The Boat written by Alistair MacLeod, is a story told from the perspective of a man looking back on his life. Its about the difficult lifestyle that fishermen in Nova Scotia lead. The story is told about the mans childhood, focusing on this father and the fishing lifestyle he has grown up in. The story really focuses in on the father-son relationship, where the father would prefer his son getting an education and not having to live the dangerous lifestyle he does, which in the end kills him.The father in the story commits suicide at the end of the story by jumping off his boat durning a storm. Many things contribute to his death such as the fact that he no longer wanted his son to follow in his footsteps as a fisherman, he was never really meant to be a fisherman in general and all together the father was just not happy with his life. We will write a custom essay sample on By Choice or Chance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The father never wanted his son to follow in his footsteps and become a fisherman. He had always wanted his son to be able to go and get an education, unlike him.He burned and reburied over and over again and his lips still cracked so that they bled when he smiled, and his arms, especially the left, still broke out into the oozing salt-water boils as they did ever since as a child I had first watched him soaking and bathing them in a variety of ineffectual solutions. The chafe-preventing brackets of brass kinked chain that all the men wore about their wrists in early spring were his full season and he shaved but painfully and only once a week. (Page 121). The father is obviously unhappy and cannot find any other way out of his lifestyle.In this story the father does not lead a very happy life, from the disappointment of his career, to his family. All of his children except his son no longer lived at home, or even visit, his wife was constantly unhappy with her own life which took a toll on him and the two other reasons already discussed made the father unhappy. He had to marry my mother and checked the dates on the flyleaf of the Bible where I learned that my oldest sister had been born a prosaic eleven months after the marriage, and I felt myself then very dirty and debased for my lack of faith and for what I had thought and done.And then there came into my heart a very great love for my father and I thought it was very much braver to spend a life doing what you really do not want rather than selfishly following forever your own dreams and inclinations. And I knew then that I could never leave him alone to suffer the iron-tipped harpoons which my mother would forever hurl into his soul because he was a failure as a husband and a father who had retained none of his own. And I felt that I had been very small in a little secre t place within me and that even the completion of high school was for me a silly shallow selfish dream.So I told him one night very resolutely and very powerfully that I would remain with his as lng as he lived and we would fish the sea together. And he made no protest but only smiled through the cigarette smoke that wreathed his bed and replied, I hope you will remember what youve said(121-122) This quote is where you start to realize that the author is foreshadowing the suicide of the father, so at the end it is no wonder he finial decides to end his life of suffering through a job he hated and his sons. The father is just so unhappy with his life that he cannot deal with it anymore. He hates seeing his son become the man he is. The perfect place to end his life in his eyes is on the boat he was bound to for so many years. The father commits suicide because he no longer wants his son to have to follow in is footsteps as a fisherman, he was never meant to be a fishermen, and in general he was just not happy with his life.